The Handlebards present "Romeo and Juliet"

By Bootham School (other events)

Monday, November 28 2016 7:30 PM 9:00 PM BST

Theatre group The Handlebards return to Bootham in November 2016 to perform their version of Romeo and Juliet.

About The Handlebards:

    "Ride on with us through all the countryside,
    With comedies and tragedies of old;
    Four actors upon bikes are wont to ride,
    To play the greatest stories ever told."

This year sees our all-female troupe’s first outing. They’ll cycle over 1000 miles to perform The Taming Of The Shrew & Romeo And Juliet at over 50 venues across the UK. We set the world on wheels with our unique brand of extremely energetic, charmingly chaotic, environmentally friendly cycle-powered theatre.

Ride along with us – we shall be joyful for thy company.

About The Play:

In Verona, the Montagues and Capulets are in the throes of a long-running family feud. In the midst of this two young members of the families – Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet – fall in love at the Capulet Ball. Even though they know their love is forbidden by their family allegiances, they marry in secret in the cell of Friar Lawrence.

The next day, Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel as he attended the Capulet ball without invitation. Romeo, now Tybalt’s kinsman by marriage, vows not to fight, and his friend Mercutio fights in his place. Tybalt stabs Mercutio, and in a fit of rage, Romeo kills Tybalt, resulting in his banishment from Verona. Juliet, on hearing the news, requests Friar Lawrence’s guidance, to which he suggests she drinks a potion which makes her appear to be dead. He vows to pass on the details of the plan to Romeo, and Romeo and Juliet can escape from Verona and live their lives in happiness. However, the news never reaches Romeo, and instead he hears of Juliet’s ‘death’, returns to Verona to find her lying dead in a crypt, and kills himself with poison. Juliet awakes, sees her husband dead, and stabs herself with his dagger. The families agree to end their long-standing feud, in memory of Romeo and Juliet.

Elle Dillon-Reams
 – Mercutio, Paris, Lady Capulet, Friar Laurence, Abram, Balthazar
Lianne Harvey –  Juliet, Montague, Benvolio, Apothecary
Lizzie Muncey – Romeo, Capulet, Gregory
Lottie Tickner – Nurse, Prince, Tybalt, Sampson, Friar John, Servant

Mailing Address

Box Office Bootham School 51 Bootham York YO30 7BU